The bright side of Brexit…

So it turns out Brexit is good for weight loss! In the same way unrequited love and heartache is. There was no way I could eat properly in the aftermath of the realisation that Brexit had happened. It was like a smack in the face. Like finding out your once pure relationship was riddled with cheating and lies. Because that’s exactly what those slimy politicians had done. They had duped the general public.

Of course it wasn’t just the politicians we were angry with – overnight our country had become divided like never before. Graduates against non graduates, young vs old, middle class against the working class. And in our eyes, one of the sad things was is that those ‘working class’ people who voted Leave would feel the negative effects the most. Because in a recession the little guy loses.

Why did I feel so strongly about this, when I haven’t ever felt this strongly about politics before? Because it stole our identity, and what many in my position feel is that it was for all the wrong reasons. Ok I’ve digressed slightly……

On the plus side, I couldn’t eat properly on Bre-day, went to the pub and ranted all night, and didn’t end up eating anything until the next evening. So I rapidly dropped a few pounds!

Back on track with normal eating habits now, but thank you Brexit, from my waistline….

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